Avalikes kohtades kasutamiseks

HeartSave PAD

Professional defibrillators for emergency medicine.
Reliable: always, everywhere.

When every mi­nu­te counts, PRI­ME­DIC de­fi­bril­la­tors can help hearts stop mis­sing ano­ther beat. Ever­yw­he­re. What mat­ters is that they can be used quick­ly. Every time.

Your reliable companion

The oc­cur­rence of sud­den car­di­ac ar­rest can­not be preven­ted. But the con­se­quen­ces can!

Saves lives – Fully portable – Fast

The per­son af­fec­ted has only a few pre­cious mi­nu­tes left for a chan­ce of sur­vi­val. The HeartS­a­ve (AED/PAD) only de­li­vers an electric shock if life-threa­ten­ing fi­bril­la­ti­on is ac­tual­ly de­tec­ted. Ea­sy-to-un­der­stand voice prompts guide the user through the res­cue pro­ce­du­re, thus eli­mi­na­ting the pos­si­bi­li­ty of the de­vice being ope­ra­ted in­cor­rect­ly.

Reliability is top prio­ri­ty at PRI­ME­DIC. Safe­ty as­pects such as easy ope­ra­ti­on, rou­ti­ne self-tests, spray water pro­tec­tion and ex­cep­tio­nal ro­bust­ness set the HeartS­a­ve apart from the com­pe­ti­ti­on.


  • Voice prompts in one lan­gua­ge
  • Com­pact Flash Card
  • 3-ye­ar li­thi­um bat­te­ry